Darjeeling WEBGIS

The Scope of work would include the following points :

Development of AC Level Maps

The system would require primary spatial data on which the entire system would run. These would be the various administrative layers for the Darjeeling district. The layers would include :

  • District and Block boundary
  • Gram Panchayat and Mouza boundary
  • AC and Municipal boundary
  • Major and Minor Roads
  • Major Rivers

The Layers required by the Darjeeling administration for AC Boundary and PC boundary will have to be generated from the base layers. For example the AC boundary will be marked with the help of delimitation of Gram Panchayat boundary, Municipalities and Block Boundaries. This exercise will provide us with necessary AC and PC boundaries. This would enable the system to be ready for micro data like the polling booth locations, sectors offices, different paths etc.

Development of Web based GIS System

The entire solution is presented to the client through Web GIS System

Web Based GIS System

A GIS based web system has to develop using spatial and non spatial data for the District administration of Darjeeling. The web application has the following features.

  • Zoom in / Zoom out / Pan
  • Pictures of polling booth on click
  • Making Layout and Printing
  • Buffering Capabilities and Information on Click
  • Spatial and non spatial Queries
  • Search Facilities and Measurement facility

Features of Web Based GIS

  • WEB GIS Interface
  • Data in Layers
  • Security Management
  • Information on click and Interactive Queries
  • Reporting
  • Data Attachment and Data Storage
  • Colour thematic coded maps

WEB GIS Interface

All the data uploaded into the web would be digital and in a SVG format (Scalable Vector Graphics). Unlike an image the size of the data would be minimized which would facilitate loading of data faster. The digital data would make the map interactive and respond to user queries spatially.

The software should provide user friendly WEB based GUI (Graphic User Interface), which should be very intuitive and user friendly such that the most important features are available with a few mouse clicks or a few keystrokes.

The software would be completely network compliant and would be able to fetch and update data from server via normal networking protocols. The software would be able to connect to any network database and perform database modifications corresponding to the locking protocols as per the RDBMS concepts. The software would be able connect concurrent users to an existing database simultaneously.

Data in Layers

The Data would be provided on the web in different layers. The users would be given a choice to view its desired information in form of layers. All the layers would have the option of labelling of the respective entity with the details of information within the entity. The user can see the polling booths with their details information and photographs like AC No, plot no., block no., GP no., location, number of voters, number of males and females.

Security Management

The software would have provision for tiered password protection to eliminate any unauthorized usage.

There would be provisions for creating user group with specific privileges and allocating and deal locating groups. There would be group demarcations with certain privileges such as Administrator Group with complete read and write facilities, Power user group with facilities for reading and restricted writing, general user group with restricted read and write privileges and guest user group with certain rites allowed by the administrator which he feels suitable for the user. The administrator would be given full privilege to allocate users to various groups. Easy and user-friendly security management interface with provisions for changing user name and password and privileges for respective users.

Information on click and Interactive Queries

The user would be able to get information for any layers on the click of a mouse. Along with the statistical data we can also attach other dynamic data to the system and the user can also find within the click of a button the facilities provided in a certain area. The number of respective contact persons along with other contact details can also be displayed.

The Web Based GIS would be able to respond to user-based queries. These queries can be based on spatial and non-spatial data. The queries can be generated on any of layers of the system.

The system can include some predefined queries as well a mechanism where the users can generate there own queries with the help of a SQL Statement through a user friendly query builder.

The query dialog would be provided with SQL parsing abilities and would be able to incorporate sorting and indexing mechanisms (SORT BY/ORDER BY) along with accommodation of group functions such as COUNT, MAX, and MIN etc.


The software would provide features for generation of reports as per user choice. There would be a report interface from where the user will be able to select the layers and their corresponding fields for the report generation. The reports would be available in both standard ASCII text and .php formats. The software should provide provisions of saving the reports for further use and printing the reports in desired form. The software would provide integration with Microsoft Office (Excel and access) such that the report can be generated with Microsoft Excel and desired formatting to the reports can be performed.